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Re: Worry Room - Get it out, and walk away

@Sakurapuss the way you describe feeling is how I feel a lot. I also feel like I wear a mask a lot, but at least wearing the mask I'm able to be useful. I have gotten 'better' in some ways with lots of help from therapy and medications though. I can recognise more easily the good things, it's still hard to really experience joy but I'm hoping to.

Re: Worry Room - Get it out, and walk away

@Former-Member who are you talking about you or me? A lot of the time I feel unworthy of love, life, my kids, anything pleasurable. I self harm because I can and because it makes me feel something other than sad and empty. I often don't see the good in things and get stuck in my head way too much with the negative thoughts and feelings. I like going outside into the sunshine but there are days I don't feel I deserve it or that it's worth something. I wonder if I'm on the right meds. I feel like somethings broken on the inside and I'm tired of putting on my happy face for work and pretending that everything's fine for other people's sake. I wonder if I'm normal and should just stop complaining. I have a bad habit of abusing my meds. In short, maybe we're both ok or that we just need a bit of healing

Re: Worry Room - Get it out, and walk away

dearest @Sakurapuss
arent you and me the ones who went to Uni overloaded with children lol
i just wamted tp let you know that i really enjoy reading your messages

Re: Worry Room - Get it out, and walk away

Thankyou @Sakurapuss!!!

Re: Worry Room - Get it out, and walk away

I worry that I'm never going to recover from the iatrogenic damaged, caused by withdrawing from neuroleptic medication, I worry that I'm never going to sleep longer than two hours a night again, I worry that this relentless anxiety well never subside, I worry that I'm not going to be strong enough to keep going just for the same if my daughter... Thanks for this living hell big pharma.

Re: Worry Room - Get it out, and walk away

Hi @Simack

I read your post and sorry to hear that you had an adverse effect from your medication, sounds very distressing. I assume that you are under the care of a Dr or psychiatrist and I encourage you to advise your Dr of any decline in your symptoms.

Lack of sleep can be torture and increases one's anxiety and depression. Please talk to your Dr about short term medication that can help.

Let us know if you need  immediate support today and I can email you some helpline contact details.

Best wishes,

Frog (not Toad)

Re: Worry Room - Get it out, and walk away

Hi @Simack


I've read your  message and if I have got it right.........

  neuroletic means ;  major tranquilizer 

 iatrogenic means;  induced in a patient as the result of a physician's words or action  Would you like to write further about your situation?

My name is PeppyPatti. I have two sons and can completely share your concerns about your daughter. This is what I was like throughout the time that they lived with me. My sons are 21 and 25 and now, there are other.........weird concerns that come up........

Thanks for reading ; PP



Re: Worry Room - Get it out, and walk away

Hi @PeppiPatty

This is my situation, I was prescribed an antipsychotic by my psychiatrist, off label for social anxiety about a year ago, at first it helped, but I soon developed serious side effects. After a while of pleading with him we finally agreed to discontinue it, he told me it should be fine to "just stop taking it"... It wasn't, I was struck down with complete insomnia, extreme anxiety and ocd panic, things I've never experienced before. My psychiatrist refuses to believe that it was withdrawal, saying instead it was a reemergence of underlying issues.... He switched me to another antipsychotic which I'm trying to very slowly taper off. I'm still suffering from protracted withdrawal syndrome, plus side effects from the new medication, it's been ten months now, it's hell. Apparently this causes instability of the autonomic nervous system, it's like being constantly stuck in fight or flight mode, and can take years to resolve if ever.... I don't want to end my life but I can't live with this medication induced living nightmare for years, either

Re: Worry Room - Get it out, and walk away

It sounds like you are very responsible with meds. @Simack I hope you have found a health professional who will work with you in a sensitive manner.

Re: Worry Room - Get it out, and walk away

Dear @Simack

This is truly a sad story and I'm sorry sorry that y ou are the one who is enduring it.

Have you spoken to him of ........natural medications that are....complimentary to you taking the new antipsychotic as well??