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Self harm

TW: self harm


Content/trigger warning
I don’t really know what to do here but here goes I have been self harming for a couple years now but I was clean for 2 months nearly and I just messed it all up because of a girl she was the only thing that could make me happy she always made me happy then all of a sudden she stopped letting me come over and stoped answering my calls or texts so I asked her what’s going on between us we were only in the talking stage but we had been talking for like 3 months and I was going to ask her out this weekend and I asked her what happened between us and what are we now and all she replied with was “friends and we will only ever be friends” and that broke me she said she doesn’t was anything to do with me anymore and I don’t know what happened we were hanging out 2 days prior to this it’s fkd me up 

Re: Self harm

Hi there @Unknown3,


I am really sorry to hear that you are struggling tonight and may be engaging in some harmful coping mechanisms. 

I have sent you an email, please check it out and let us know how you are coping.


Thank you for sharing here with us. We hope that you find the forums to be a supportive place to connect with other members, share stories and ideas, and find the community and connection you deserve in order to feel better.


Feel free to Introduce yourself here if you haven’t already.


Please take care, check the email, contact the suggested Counselling or Crisis Services if you need them.

Re: Self harm

Hi @Unknown3,

I am so sorry to hear that. I can imagine how difficult and sudden it must have been for you. Dealing with abandonment/rejection in dating is hard, and I can relate to it. I think we've all been on opposite sides at some point. But it always hurts. We're here for you. 

I know it's a cliche suggestion, but during times like these, it's important to stay busy—catch up with friends and family, spend time doing things you like, and with time, it'll get better, I promise.