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Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

I just got some frozen salmon which I baked with a quick and easy salad with dressing. Did not feeling like cooking much. I love the vacuum sealed bags the fish come in @TAB the fish always tastes as if its fresh and so easy to just throw in the oven when you don't feel like cooking.

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

those birdseye frozen ones pretty good @SmilingGecko  has thai sauce but I pour it out, just like the fish. in brown paper bag, few mins in microwave

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

I've never tried the birdseye ones. Will check it out. I used to do a bulk buy of frozen salmon. Its so convenient isn't it? @TAB Its great when you are feeling too comatosed to cook

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast


this is the microwave bag one, are dift flavours. think cheaper than just plain frozen salmon @SmilingGecko 

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Thanks @TAB I beat you to it. It was easy to find on Woolies. The only problem is I don't have a microwave. I checked the ingredients and there may have been milk and gluten 😞  I've just done my weekly shop and got $10 off with my everyday points.  I only buy the basics. I checked out keto low carb junk food its like $8/packet!!! eeks  May make an apricot slice myself. It works out cheaper and healthier. Went out for my walk last night again. Its incredible how I am so fit now.  Are we doing weights today with @Meowmy?

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

think can boil the ones in plastic bags @SmilingGecko been slack on walking here, but it went okay lat couple times. Weights seems to help , did not realise how weak had got, well age and not moving = weak .. der

um did weights yest not doing now until after work physical wed afternoon. Not sure what @Meowmy  is doing 

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

I will see you around later today @TAB got to get going otherwise I won't get anything done today. Got to make some cauliflower rice to freeze and organise a load of washing. Got grocery shop out of the way and must do some housework. Groan lol! Have a nice day 

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

okay fair enough @SmilingGecko  you have a good day too

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast


I had ice-cream for dinner last night! Rum and raisin with macadamia nut and cream lol

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

@StuF hey StuF, nice to hear from you. Ice cream sounds great. Hope you're enjoying the trip


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