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Re: Life can be a Pain

Hi @Faith-and-Hope


Yes - I know those low-energy days and it must be a big task to pack up and clean up after so many people


Have you been living in a house or apartment where you are - Santorini? That is a beautiful place


It's autumn chilly here in Melbourne today - hard to believe after the hot weather we had last week - and let's hope summer is not already over - other states have had hot weather and NSW had fires - oh boy


You have missed out on a whole summer being overseas at the time of the year and now that you are returning you will have three winters in a row - this is not something I would enjoy at all


But all the best with getting ready to return - you have had a great holiday that you have shared with the rest of us



Re: Life can be a Pain

Hi @Owlunar .... 😊💕

Awake in the middle of the night again - the result of my restless family ... that's three who have visited the bathroom in the last half an hour .... waiting for the fourth ....

This is my version of twiddling my thumbs ... lol ....

Apartment living here.

Havent been to Santorini this trip, but it is a fascinating place I have been to before.  I started sharing stories about it as a distraction for @Zoe7 when she was having trouble sleeping (ironically 😆) and the stories just kept coming ..... fascinating place .... 💜

I really don't cope very well withSummer heat, and I know I have mentioned before that I have had melanoma .... so me and Aussie Summer are like a fish on a bicycle .... 3 Winters and no Summer is heavenly for me .... 😄

Gonna try to doze again soon ....

G'night ..... 😴💤

Re: Life can be a Pain

Hi @Faith-and-Hope


I understand about the melanoma - I hope you caught yours early


My dd has had it - I haven't heard anything lately and I know her better than to ask - but she got it in her teens and she was doing a gardening apprenticeship and she had worked outside for all of her working life


I guess she uses suncrean - she's an adult and it is better not to ask sentences


But I get the fish on a bicycle thing


I am just glad I have a rather sallow skin - and I have never had a serious sunburn


You have had a once in a life-time holiday - hopefully we will get some autumn weather here this year - having misserd out on our spring



Re: Life can be a Pain

Yes @Owlunar .... melanoma caught early, but still gphave to be careful .... risk increases once it's happened once ....

Would be nice to come home to Autumn weather, but will have to wait and see ....


Not applicable

Re: Life can be a Pain

Hi @Decadian, glad u had a gd night sleep & your weather is cooler & you had rain. A good sleep can make all the difference.

Please send some of that rain up lol.

But soz you had a 'bad pain day' - unable to do much - how do you stay positive?

I can relate to a bit atm - having to rest all day, but for different reasons. Laying down is the only thing that eases my back pain and fainting spells this last few days. Its hard, especially by yaself. Its not living.

I MIGHT have Heat Exhaustion Dec but not sure as never had it before, and i drink a lot. I have made a drs apt Wed. Bit sick of it, whatever it is. Just now dog wanted to go outside - everything went yellow and I barely made it. So here i am just laying down again.

Lucky I made up a big tossed salad the other day, & have tinned salmon - no cooking! - i have a few mouthfuls when I get peckish, not hungry so its lasting days.

Thats pretty good they issue a flyer about heat exhaustion there.

Just got a tx saying dads in hospital with UTI. Probably dehydrated - 'cause it hurts to get up to get a drink and the bastards there won't pass him one because they want him to get up and stop being so "F#n lazy" they say.. Furthermore, mum wont keep his drink in the house, its in the shed where he has to manoeuvres obstacles + steps to get to the shed fridge (exercise she says, but her drinks are inside), he 'forgets' anyway & needs visual cues re memory loss - I've tried to explain 1,000 times. Ma says he can just have 'tap water' gee!

I hate the way they treat dad. Calling him a 'lasy asshole' 'p#sses' himself, ''dypers" (not pads) ... ... He laughs it off & just wants to be with mum whatever.. My handing him drinks there was seen as enabling. But I handed to able body people there too. Its polite.

We Cant save anybody, gotta just give 'em all to God.

Hi @Faith-and-Hope, thought you might be starting the count-down on your departure. All the best with that. Good move spreading the pack up and clean up over a few days. And Nothing wrong with 'Pyjama days' / self care days pamper days. Hope your energy picks up soon, to get you home. Borocca helps a bit. xox

Re: Life can be a Pain

So does sleeping @Former-Member .... lol ....

Bit short on at the moment, cos everyone else here is up and down all night.  Usually I am able to go back to sleep within an hour or so, but last night my mind became over-active, sorting through things I don't have answers to yet, and that just upsets me.  Happens every so often though, so I put it down to a need to air my concerns, then pack them away again until the time when I can ask the questions and receive answers.

Am gonna take a pyjama day for most of today, even though it will likely irritate WH .... I need it ....


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Re: Life can be a Pain

Do it F&H, probably trackies anyway, WH can go jog (hehe, or maybe help you) lol
Hugzz xox

Re: Life can be a Pain

He can go arc up at someone else this morning too .... grr ....

Had a spat earlier, but used my voice back at him, and just received a belated apology at least ....

Gonna nap for a bit.


Re: Life can be a Pain

Morning @Owlunar and @Former-Member

Hope you both have a good day today Heart

Not applicable

Re: Life can be a Pain

Hi @Owlunar, woke up really stiff & sore lower back, hips, pelvis (ouchy), could only stay up long enough for light breakfast, pills and went back to bed sad. Made me think of you, your resilience, how you do it, the fact that you do. and maybe if i could just be like Dec - 'hang in there' get through the 'bad pain days' and live for the good days. Make the most of them. Does that sound like you? Just had to say, thanks. You're an inspiration!

Hiya there @Zoe7 stranger, thanks for tag, you doing OK?