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Re: Worry Room - Get it out, and walk away

Hi @Ace85

Sorry to hear how you've been feeling lately. I'm glad you have a few things you can do that make you feel a little better. What did you cook for dinner today? Did you cook for your family as well?

I just want you to know that you can get help. I saw in your other post that you went to hospital but it wasn't really a helpful experience for you. Have you been able to seek help another way, perhaps with a GP or counsellor?

You can also call Lifeline on 13 11 14 or the Samaritans on 135 247. They're available 24/7 and are there to listen.

Re: Worry Room - Get it out, and walk away

Hi @Former-Member I understand that feeling of not wanting to talk. I was just about to feed my niece and nephew (almost 9 months old) the other night when my anxiety hit and I felt unable to give them their dinner - as the effort to talk to them and get them to eat was too difficult. I ended up swapping places with my mother, who was in the middle of cooking dinner at the time, though she wasn't happy about it. 

@PeppiPatty Though I live with my parents, they've never been real good at the emotional support thing. I finally told my mum the other night that I've been feeling anxious of an evening and she ended up asking me 'just what is it that's making you so anxious'. I told her that I didn't know, but that wasn't a satifying answer for her. She wants something conclusive like, it's because I have an exam coming up or I'm scared to go to sleep. It's like when I was growing up and I would get upset when someone was mean to me, the standard answer I got was 'just ignore them'. I got the same response when I returned from a trip to Movie World and told her that while on a ride the people behind me had verbally abused me, pulled my hair, hit me over the head and spat on me. Yet all I needed was a hug and permission to cry. 

Re: Worry Room - Get it out, and walk away

Thanks @Former-Member, but after my recent experiences I won't be seeking out any help. Being treated like someone who has no ability to make decisions or has no rights is not something I ever want to be exposed to again. The support I get from the people on this forum is more helpful than the so-called professional help. 

Re: Worry Room - Get it out, and walk away

I'm sorry you had such bad experiences but glad that being here helps. Naww you niece and nephew would be cute but yes it's exhausting being 'happy' for little ones

Re: Worry Room - Get it out, and walk away

It makes sense if you did not recieve much emotional support that you are not comfortable with giving it. @Ace85 Often young ones get a lot of extra attention ...when they are over confident of their sense of entitlement to it ... it doesnt always bring out the best in them ... I am somewhat resistant to "cuteness" once but ... twice shy ... I see cuteness in things not necessarily the young ...

Re: Worry Room - Get it out, and walk away

Dear @Ace85

Please take care of yourself and do things that are good for you.

For instance, everyone, moderators and all my online friends have been very caring to me while I was taking different meds. I was a mess for three weeks. But I forgot to read the GPs instructions and was taking a much lower dose of one med. 

I think that if you say to your Mum....."This is what I need Mum....I need someone to sit with me because Im feeling anxious. This has nothing to do with you or Dad but it's got to do with me" I love you, I also need a hug. Thanks.

It feels like your Mum is actually trying but she is from a place where 'intuition,' and 'care,' wasnt in their youths.

You can do this....I am very proud of you that you are writing your anxiety 

Like everyone here is.

Remember the phone lines like lifeline 

Because you are worth it


Re: Worry Room - Get it out, and walk away


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Re: Worry Room - Get it out, and walk away


Re: Worry Room - Get it out, and walk away

Hello @mathewdrake

Welcome to the forum and I thought that was a fascinating article about 3D printing in dentistry that you linked to this thread. However, I was curious about how you thought this topic was related to the thread conversation?

This forum is for people afffected by mental health issues, theirs or someone they care about. I hope you will join in some discussions and find good support here.

Kind regards,


Re: Worry Room - Get it out, and walk away

@C8ie17 you can do it. I was silly enough to get through Uni with a mental illness and having 2 babies throughout that time. Back then it was one day at a time but now I look back at it and think wow I managed all that! I have a hard time believing in myself but I trust that you'll have the strength to get through. Best of luck!