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Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Yes he was a Legend @Oaktree  glad you enjoyed it 👍

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

What have you got on today @TAB 

I don’t know what I am doing yet. Only just got hubby out of bed. I want to go down the street and check if the chemist is open. I need a prescription but I still have two nights worth left of pills so could get them tomorrow if not open today. Hubby is grumbling because yesterday I said we had nothing on today so he thought he could sleep in. Well 10:30am is a sleep in I reckon. Anyways…



Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Hi @BlueBells i hope this helps. it is a week long event, day time car show n shine, burnouts, hotted up cars of all shapes and sizes and night times is like a carnival. 

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

hi @Oaktree how are you my friend? i hope you have n ice warm day, it is a bit cold here today. 


hey @Bill16 not a lot today mate, just house work washed my cloths, mopped the floors, cleaned the toilet and vacumed. a little bit of work on a model boat. just about to have some lunch, how about you?

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Leave him be maybe @Oaktree  less hassles

Not up to much today

Dropped stuff at brothers place  . Came back here to friends

They left sat nite to see old friend back today or tomorrow Im leaving tomorrow

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Hi @Jacques 

I am good and the sun is shining, starting to get a bit cooler here too. Last night I put a jacket on because I felt cold. I would rather be cold than hot though. 

Summer Nats sounds like a fun time! Burn outs you say? Great, how exciting! Bring all the rev heads around out to play together…


Sounds like you have been very busy this morning getting the housework done. Good for you, very responsible! I hate housework so my house is always a mess. I have a cleaner that comes once a week to help me out. 
What’s for lunch? I haven’t had breakfast yet but maybe I will skip straight to lunch. I wonder if Jesters is open? Could totally go one of their sausage rolls with sauce.



Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

corned beef and pickle sandwich for me @Oaktree i love them.

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

I love pickles @Jacques 

Corned beef not so much…




Re: The Weekly Friday Feast



To be fair I don’t think I given corned beef a chance. I know that I don’t like Spam. I just bought a tin of corned beef and I am going to give it a try. I will let you know what I think of it after I have tried it.



Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Good news @TAB 

The chemist was open and I got my prescription. Hubby and I should be hitting the safety net soon so all our prescriptions will be free. 
Had a sausage roll and sauce for lunch.

