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Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Evening feasters
Have dinner planned with partner in a few hours
At hers.

Feeling gratitude for things again.

I do hope you feasters are doing well. See you around and chat soon

Your Hams

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Hi @MDT and other feasters,


I just had dinner. Lamb shank, roast potatoes and roast pumpkin with gravy and mint sauce- yum.


Just not feeling very happy lately, not sure why? Hope I am not on the verge of depression again.



Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Hello is anyone around, i havent been here in a while

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Oh noooooo where all the Friday night folks? Not here anymore? Guess a year is a while 

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Hi @pancakes 


Welcome back. The Friday Feast is a fickle thing. Sometimes it goes all week. Maybe try again next week!



Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Pans out that way at times @Oaktree

Could be good to keep a journal or diary to see how often it happens?

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Thanks for your suggestion re journal @MDT 

Probably a good idea.



Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Nw @Oaktree
I do hope you had a good weekend

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Not bad thanks @MDT 

Yesterday I went to canasta club for the first time at our local library in the morning and in the afternoon I met a lady I had never met before for coffee. I joined a ladies social club on Facebook to expand my circle. Then today I whipped myself into a frenzy and cleaned my bedroom. Now some of the mess is on the couch in the living room temporarily until it finds homes. However my bedroom is now clean. Even vacuumed the floor. Been meaning to clean my bedroom up for weeks so I am glad that I finally got it done. Was encouraged by the forumites over at  The magic of tidying 



Re: The Weekly Friday Feast



How was your weekend?

