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Re: not coping

How can i have this much bad luck
How is that even possible

Re: not coping

You DO deserve these lovely horses and they deserve you @outlander. There's nothing wrong with having the rugs kept on. Occasionally I left my horses rugged in cold weather, especially the one with rain scald related skin issues. You are a great owner and I am sure many would attest to that! As for your sick horse, colic is something that cannot be helped. Even the Queen's horses have been prone to that and some sadly have been put down because of it.

I'm sorry you also had a run in with the bullies. You didn't need this right now.

I wonder if @Former-Member has any words of advice for you?

Re: not coping

I'm not sure how you have all this bad luck happening at once, but it must mean good things are coming soon surely.

I have to log off now @outlander as my medication is making it difficult to concentrate, but I will check-in tomorrow to see how things are with you I promise. I really hope your horse pulls through, I really do.

I've tagged the mod, so they can sit with you a bit longer if you need to.

Re: not coping

No its not what i needed right now @Queenie
Nothingever seems to give! It only gets worse!
Leaving her rug on is wyat i thinks best. Guess what got another reply from these so called friends they are takung her rug off if they see if even though i asked not too. Shes a tb and requires alot if feeding already her shivering in ice winds is going to set me back. Ive already paid over a thousand for all her stuff and feeds and treatment already. Why doesnt anyone listen to me
I dont need any if this.
Work on your MH they said yeah well whoever the hevk is running the show says otherwise

@Queenie this is so unfair

Re: not coping

Thanks @Queenie sleep well ❤ thanks for being here ❤

Re: not coping

Thanks for the 'likes' as support ❤

Re: not coping

Hi Outlander

I'm NiteKat, Im a mod until midnight. I can see youre suffering lots tonight. Ill chat with you via email to see where youre at (if you wish). Please take care 🙂

Re: not coping

Or here is fine @NiteKat

Re: not coping

She had to be put to sleep

Re: not coping

I'm so sorry @outlander. You must feel devastated. Woman Sad